About Us

NewApologetics.com is a 501(c)3 organization dedicated to the work of preaching the Gospel, teaching the truths of the Catholic faith, and bringing a new level of reasoned insight into all levels of debate on matters of theology and philosophy of religion.

NewApologetics.com is part of Caritas in Veritate International.

Caritas in Veritate International is a confederation of Catholic institutions, dedicated to recruiting, mobilizing and engaging volunteers, with particular focus on young people:

  • to bring charity in truth and human progress to people in great need
  • to transform lives, by alleviating suffering, restoring dignity and inspiring hope,
  • through the formation of volunteers in mind, heart and spirit, as inspired by God’s unconditional love


The content put forth from NewApologetics.com comes from a group of anonymous contributors with widely varying degrees of education and experience. All contributors are fully loyal to the teaching authority of the Catholic Church.

The purpose of anonymizing the authors is to direct attention to the content itself while minimizing the influence of personal credentials or status on the credibility thereof.